Geofencing vs. IP Targeting

Sometimes the hardest part about marketing is keeping up with the language. Here we help develop some useful definitions for two powerful geotargeting tools: geofencing and IP targeting.

The first GPS satellite was launched on February 22nd, 1978, and the efforts for greater accuracy has continued to grow ever since. While the hardware, software, platforms, businesses, and techniques may be constantly changing, there is really only one aspect of geotargeting that keeps the barrier to entry so high: the jargon.Marketing has a language that is as complex as the technologies it uses and how quickly they change. Keeping pace with it may be the hardest part. Here we plan to break down two prominent aspects of geotargeting (geofencing and IP targeting), so you can implement them in an effective way for your business.

Geofencing. It's seriously awesome.

It’s an incredibly powerful tool, that reaches far beyond just marketing. Geofencing is the process of setting a virtual perimeter around a given location, using GPS or RFID technology. How that perimeter is established varies based on a plethora of circumstances - mainly who’s doing it and with what technology.

Geofencing with GeoFli is simple.

It’s being used in a multitude of ways that are not only making businesses smarter but helping to make the world safer. Geofencing plays a role in child location services, locationized firearms (Yup. That’s a thing.), telematics, vehicle safety, wildlife preservation… you get the picture.But what does it mean for you? By establishing a perimeter, you take the who, where, and when of your content strategy and put it into action.So how does one set a geofence? One of the most effective methods is also one of the most powerful aspects of geotargeting: IP targeting. Most geotargeting is reliant on either the customer willingly giving information or some location-based service like control plane locating. Learn what IP targeting is below.

IP Targeting: The Bullseye in Geographic Targeting

IP targeting takes the burden off the customer and other services. It allows you to pick much more precisely who sees the content you wish them to see. That’s an advantage you can’t get anywhere else.Use it to geographically target (because IP addresses are assigned to geographic locations) with incredible accuracy, and step up your online game in a way that your competitors aren't.Don’t let the complexity of marketing language turn you away from what can be an incredible toolset. By moving past the fancy words marketers use and creating simple, working definitions for yourself and your business, you can easily keep pace with the modern trends that make marketing so powerful. We hope you enjoyed learning about the two we covered today: geofencing and IP targeting. Tune in next time!

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