All About GeoFli’s WordPress Plugin

Here at GeoFli we help businesses increase website conversions by allowing them to personalize their website content based on the viewer’s location. The GeoFli software works right on top of existing websites to create a seamless user view and experience. Now, thanks to our plugin, we have made it even easier for websites that are built in WordPress!

We’ve designed the GeoFli software with the busy schedules of marketing directors and web managers in mind, and we continue to improve the experience so GeoFli is an accessible resource for everyone. Our WordPress plugin is an extension of our simple-to-use software, making it easier to install GeoFli on WordPress sites. No need to be a web developer or tech genius — GeoFli has always been simple and straightforward!

What is a WordPress Plugin?

A plugin is additional software that can be added to a WordPress (a popular content management system with its roots in hosting blogs) site to customize and improve the experience. Common WordPress plugins allow web managers to build forms, see website data or manage SEO. Our WordPress plugin allows GeoFli to make live changes to websites hosted by WordPress without having to dive into lines of code in the backend.

Who is the Plugin For?

The GeoFli WordPress plugin is for anyone who uses WordPress to manage their site and wants to avoid the intricacies of backend while updating GeoFli scripts. This plugin makes our software more intuitive on WordPress, saving WordPress site managers more time and energy. Using GeoFli on your online business or informational website is a great first step towards increasing conversions, and our WordPress Plugin is here to help you go live with any changes to your site’s original GeoFli functionality.

Use it on Your Website

Once you have used GeoFli to geopersonalize your website, follow these steps to implement the GeoFli WordPress Plugin:  

1. Download the GeoFli WordPress plugin.

2. Visit your WordPress Dashboard.

3. Hover over the “Plugins” on the left-hand side navigation menu and select “Add New.”

4. Select “Upload Plugin” at the top of the page and choose the file downloaded in step 1 above. Click “Install Now.”

5. Once the plugin is installed click “Activate Plugin.”

6. Once the plugin is activated, hover over “Settings” on the left-hand side navigation menu and select “GeoFli.”

7. Visit GeoFli, select the page you want to make live, and click the red “Make it Live” at the top of the page. Copy the script highlighted in red.

8. Return to WordPress and paste the copied script into the space provided.

9. Click “Save” and your GeoFlied content is now live on your WordPress site!

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