Five Ways to Decrease Bounce Rate with IP Targeting

Let’s pretend you’re the marketing director for a company that sells outdoor gear online and in specific store locations in major cities around the country. You have a beautiful website and you sell great products. There’s just one problem: your bounce rate is awful...

Let’s pretend you’re the marketing director for a company that sells outdoor gear online and in specific store locations in major cities around the country. You have a beautiful website and you sell great products. There’s just one problem: your bounce rate is awful!Wait, my what is awful?Bounce rate is the percentage of people who visit a site without navigating to another page on the same site: people are visiting your homepage, but they’re not clicking through to another. Bounce rate can be a challenging metric to improve, but these five ideas should give you a place to start.

1. Surface Existing Content on Your Website

Small businesses that regularly publish content on their websites receive 126% more leads than those that don’t. But even if you’re not publishing an article a day, you can still write evergreen content that stays relevant. With the magic of IP targeting, you can go one step beyond just publishing content and show your users the information that matters most. Your content is more than just blog posts. It’s photos and videos and hero text and everything in between that makes up your site. With IP targeting services like GeoFli you can customize the entire look and feel of your site to develop a user experience that feels tailored to individual people, not just to “a customer.”

2. Persona Targeting Based on Location

Different locations have vastly different buyer personas. For example, if you own a lawn care company, relevant content for someone in Arizona will be vastly different than for someone in Seattle. The kinds of products they buy and the amount of money people spend can vary dramatically by location. By harnessing the power of Google Analytics Ecommerce data, you can identify, build, and even rebuild your company’s buyer personas based on known quantities. Once you’ve identified these buyer personas, you can develop actionable steps to reduce your bounce rate and show your customers the products that match their persona.

3. Give Users a Relevant Reason to Stay

74% of web visitors get frustrated when a website’s content doesn’t match their interests or intent. Show your users meaningful content that relates directly to them and provide them with a customized, unique experience that delights and engages them every time they visit your page. It can be as simple as a personalized greeting to people in specific locations, “Hi, New York!” or as dynamic as completely restructuring your content site-wide to provide the highest level of relevance possible to your visitors. When building geo-targeted pay-per-click or social campaigns, be sure that your message remains relevant and consistent throughout your users’ visits to minimize the bounce rate from irrelevant content.

4. Use Data To Steer Content

By using Google Analytics, you can identify which content gets the most clicks, which content improves overall time on page and deeper scroll depth. All signs of quality, relevant content. With this in mind, you can show preferential treatment to specific content to the places that engage with it the most. Don’t give up valuable real estate on content that isn’t engaging! You may also find that your users are only scrolling part of the way down the page, or that people from Alabama read entire articles, but people from Oregon only scroll through the first half. Taking that information in stride and customizing your content distribution will make for a better visitor experience overall, regardless of where they visit the page from.

5. Translate Your Site for International Visitors

"The Web does not just connect machines, it connects people" - Tim Berners-Lee.You have best content on the planet Earth, so why would you only show it to people who speak English? Make sure that your website is connecting with your visitors as seamlessly as possible. Once widely considered the lingua franca of the internet, the overall amount of content published in English has decreased. By not having content available in languages besides English, you could be missing out on a lot of potential visitors. Even if you only service the United States, 41 million Americans speak Spanish as their native language. With WordPress plugins like WPML, you can automatically translate your site’s content and make it as accessible as possible for as many people as possible.

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