Announcing GeoFli 3.0!

Find out what's new, and what's in the works for GeoFli.

Personalizing Content Just Got Easier

GeoFli 3.0, you say?

Yup! We're on our third major iteration of the simplest website personalization tool on planet earth. If you're thinking to yourself, how could 3.0 be any easier than 2.0? Well, here's a quick throwback to 2015 when drawing a custom region was, well, a bit cloudy:

GeoFli 1.0

With our newest release comes faster performance, improved navigation for existing customers to add more content, and a sleek new user-interface for first-time users to seamlessly get their first campaign launched.

Onboarding Shouldn't Cause Stress

GeoFli 3.0 Starting Dashboard

We know what it's like to hammer through a new piece of software. We wanted to enable our users to make decisions quickly - because that makes software easier to use. If you're a go-it-alone type, you'll have no problem logging in for the first time and navigating through. Rather have a passenger? We'll walk you through a typical content change from start to end. There's a reason we're the go-to SaaS for website personalization.

GeoFli 3.0 Content Change Dashboard - this is what a user sees at the completion of a content change, or mid-workflow.

Introducing Campaign Management

Visualize Campaigns and Goals. Connect Content Changes.

Offload your marketing KPIs and strategies on GeoFli's new campaign feature.

Campaign Dashboard - the right is an example of GeoFli's Campaign Heirarchy and how your content changes would link to overall goals.

Increased Geotargeting Accuracy

A sampling of our current geotargeting methods.

Increased accuracy = improved GeoFli performance. As we continue to improve our IP targeting accuracy for content changes, we'll continue to add new ways to personalize your website. Exciting additions still to come!

Measure Your Success with New Reporting & Analytics

Find out what's working and then do more of that. We can help. Month-over-month performance and actualization reports are imperative to measure the increased effectiveness of GeoFli over a period of time.

A standard example of reported eyes on content changes month-over-month.

Check out our list of upcoming features to get excited about the infinite number of ways GeoFli can help improve your website. A few of our favorites? Targeting based on URL parameters like UTM codes, and adding call-to-action buttons right to existing web pages!Give us a call, email, chat or schedule a demo to learn more about website personalization!

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